紐時賞析/拜登任期倒數 布林肯與盟國試圖解決一系列國際問題 AT99娛樂城

Blinken and U.S. Allies Struggle with Wars as Biden’s Presidency Wanes

拜登將任滿 布 AT99娛樂城優惠 林肯與盟邦力挽狂瀾

The array of issues that top diplomats from the United States and allied nations tried to tackle in Rome over two days was dizzying: embattled Uk AT99娛樂城優惠 raine, multiple Middle East conflicts, the Sudan civil war and other hostilities in Africa, instability in Haiti and Venezuela, and tensions arising from military actions by China and North Korea.


The officials held discussions over meals and in conference rooms in the towns of Italian Fiuggi and Anagni, south of Rome. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was there to represent the Biden administration at the end of President Joe Biden’s term, as the world waited for the start of the second presidency of Donald Trump and a new era in diplomacy.


What became clear over the two days of the Group of 7 diplomatic meeting was the sheer difficulty the allied nations faced AT99娛樂城優惠 in trying to resolve the increasingly intertwined global issues, as well as the chasms that are widening between some of the allies.


One source of friction is the wars in the Middle East. President Biden announced a cease-fire deal to stop the fighting between Israel and the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah, raising hope that it could bring a lasting end to the deadliest war in Lebanon in decades.


On the issue of Ukraine and Russia, the diplomats said in the G7 communiqué, “Our support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence will remain unwavering.”

在烏克蘭與俄羅斯的議題上,外交官們在G7公報中表示 AT99娛樂城優惠 ,「我們對烏克蘭領土完整、主權和獨立的支持仍堅定不移」。

The communiq AT99娛樂城優惠 ué also denounced China’s efforts to help Russia rebuild its defense industry and North Korea’s military aid to Russia.


Yet, the officials also know that Mr. Trump has a different view on military aid to Ukraine from Mr. Biden — the U.S. president-elect has threatened to cut off aid, and he could do so to try to force Ukraine to the negotiating table with Russia.


At the news conference, Blinken acknowledged that Ukraine might end up entering into talks with Russia sometime soon, saying, “What we’re determined to do in the remainder of this administration is to do everything possible to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to be able to, as I said, to fight through 2025 if necessary or, if there’s a negotiation, to be able to negotiate from a position of strength.”


文/Edward Wong and Emma Bubola 譯/周辰陽



美國總統拜登在位期間,國安團隊在對外談判時,經常強調negotiating from a position of strength的必要性,在這裡,strength指的是advantage(優勢),不是真的力量,這個描述常見於討論事務時:Understanding how each country operates in these spaces is key to negotiating from a position of strength.

報導介紹七大工業國(G7)外長11月24日至27日在義大利討論幾乎讓人眼花撩亂(dizzying)的國際局勢。按照衝突的性質,報導用了embattled(處境艱難)、conflict、civil war(內戰)、hostility(敵意)是不可數名詞,付諸行動後變可數,意指「戰鬥」;報導還用了instability(不穩定)、tensions複數時指的是因不信任感而突然爆發的口角或動手。報導用不同單字介紹不同地區不同程度的動盪,值得觀摩。

報導中直白指出,拜登馬上就要下台,國務卿布林肯代為轉達的意見到底有多少分量,與會者心裡有數,new era in diplomacy就要登場。


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